SKM Research Group

Research & Initiatives
Atomically precise Nanoclusters
Metal nanoclusters composed of a small but precise number of atoms are of fundamental importance for investigating the evolution of the structure and physicochemical properties in going from the atomic state to the metallic state. In addition, such nanoclusters are of interest because of their unique stability, unusual optical and catalytic properties. These small clusters exhibit properties that depend strongly on the size of the cluster, which provides a unique opportunity to fabricate novel materials with desired properties. These properties differ from those of larger nanoparticles and result from quantum confinement effects associated with the small sizes of the clusters (typically we aim to synthesize atom precise cluster to evaluate the structure, understanding the electronic structure of these systems, and developing size-tunable properties).

Cluster-Assembled Materials (CAMs)
The field of cluster science continues on a rapidly expanding trajectory due to its connection to the field of nanoscale science, where clusters offer the exciting prospect of serving as building blocks for new materials, whose desired properties may be tailored through the selection of ligands or size and composition of clusters. When clusters are linked via organic ligands or cations or even by non-covalent interactions, whose composition can be selectively chosen, and whose individual characteristics might be retained when assembled into an extended material, they are called Cluster-Assembled Materials (CAM). We are interested to explore the synthesis, structure, electronic, and optical properties of different kinds of Cluster-Assembled Materials based on Zintl ion cluster (Si44-, Ge94-, Sn94-, Sn93- etc.), metal-oxygen linked clusters (Co, Mn, Fe, etc.) and ligands bridged nanoclusters (Ag, Al, AgNi, AgCo, etc.). We would like to synthesize cluster building units using the soft chemical route, and the solvothermal process and building units can be linked either by ionic or covalent linkers.

Single-Atom Catalysis
Atom precise metal nanoclusters (NCs) are known to be influenced by quantum confinement effect, where a change in single atom of the composition causes a drastic alteration in their chemical and physical properties. In many cases, a NC with moderate to no catalytic activity could be transformed by a foreign metal doping into a catalytically active cluster where one single atom has been proved to impart the NC its catalytic activity. Achieving precise and controlled doping is a big challenge in NC research and obtaining mono-doping of foreign metals, followed by studying their catalytic activity will provide insights into active sites of NC catalyst.

Conductive Metal-Organic Frameworks
Metal–organic frameworks (MOFs), constructed from metal ions and organic ligands through coordination assembly, exhibit considerable conductivity, which originates from the ionic or electronic transport pathway between the host architecture and guest species. In recent decades, the study of conductive MOFs has accelerated deservedly due to their importance in the electronic information industry. Conductive MOFs have shown an attractive potential in electronic and protonic devices and been subject to a rapidly developing research trend, although it is still a challenge to achieve a MOF material that is fully competent in device application.

Defect Engineering in Metal-Organic Frameworks
Defect engineering in metal–organic frameworks (MOFs) is an exciting concept for tailoring material properties, which opens up novel opportunities not only in sorption and catalysis, but also in controlling more challenging physical characteristics such as band gap as well as magnetic and electrical/conductive properties. It is challenging to structurally characterize the inherent or intentionally created defects of various types, and there have so far been few efforts to discuss these issues comprehensively.